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Why Evergreen Is Better Than Unicorns: Content That Never Dies

Create SEO-friendly evergreen content that stays fresh and minty throughout the seasons.

Which would you rather be: a sad, leafless tree shivering in a cold digital wasteland, or a towering evergreen full of life and get readers no matter the season? Hint: You want to be the evergreen, with content that garners constant traffic and never falls into irrelevancy no matter how long ago it was posted. And while quick hits on the latest hot topics have their own value, evergreen content is an important element of any healthy online strategy.
Creating that type of traffic-inducing content is easier than you think. In fact, you may have evergreen content on your site and not realize it, or it might be squirreled away in a Word doc somewhere on your desktop. Evergreen content can take many forms, but it all has one thing in common: search engine optimized content that remains continually relevant and fresh.
You can start by posting frequently asked questions (FAQs), an easily overlooked but oft-visited page for many of your online users looking for answers on your product or service. And the handy, dandy FAQ can have multiple uses. Add a customized FAQ to new product launches, or use it to explain some other change with the company.
How-to guides and tutorials are other surefire ways to evergreen your content by offering step-by-step tips. It can also keep users from blowing up your customer service lines by teaching them how to use whatever it is they just purchased (or are thinking of buying). And as we all know, happy customers can lead to repeat business.
Then, let those satisfied customers declare their love and devotion for your company through testimonials. Anyone whose business has shown up on Yelp knows the power of reviews, positive or negative, even those from previous years. Sometimes a tiny nudge is all it takes to make a difference.
Setting up a page of industry resources is another way to cast a wide net to bring in visitors through random Google searches. Related to that is a glossary page that provides special terms, lingo and acronyms unique to your industry or field. Both of those pages can also make you appear friendly, helpful and authoritative, which is never a bad thing.

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