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Take Your Daughter to Work Day Is a Branding Opportunity

Take Your Daughter to Work Day may be more stress-inducing than educational, but that creates an opportunity to publish helpful content.

Brands that understand parents and help them better interact with their children have an opportunity to create increased customer affinity, loyalty and preference. Smart marketers don’t miss opportunities like Take Your Daughter to Work Day to remind parents that the brand is looking out for them.
It’s a chance to create content that assists mom and dad (and businesses) in planning and navigating the day.

Stick to Quick Tips

Many parents who take a child to work are (rightfully) concerned their youngster might be bored, feel “in the way” or worst of all, not be impressed by they do for a living. Help a fossil out by providing a variety of ideas to make TYDTWD a winner for parents and a reaffirmation that your brand is a partner, not just a money-taker. It’s a good idea to reconfigure a blog or sponsored-content piece to fit the right customer demographics.

Create an Itinerary

Tell parents to have a detailed but flexible plan of activities to avoid awkward periods of downtime during the day. Give an example itinerary so consumers have a framework to duplicate.

Consider a Partial Day

Remind moms and dads they don’t need Tommy or Susie at the office all day. Have them create a TYDTWD plan that includes transportation to and from work, with lunch in the middle of the visit to help create a break from the worksite.

Poll Co-Workers

Suggest that parents find out who else is bringing a child to work so they can coordinate activities and create group tours, snacks or lunches.

Talk to HR

Recommend that moms and dads visit their company’s HR office to see if the business is arranging any TYDTWD activities, will arrange a tour, let other employees know kids will be onsite that day, provide lunch, offer free product samples, make T-shirts or give other gifts, or find out who is bringing children. This can be a one-stop shop for the day if human resources is organized (and invested).

Arrange Tours

Suggest that customers set up fun tours for kids so they won’t be stuck in a parent’s office most of the day. If it’s OK with the company, arrange a tour, with one person from each department explaining what that department does. If possible, make the tour interactive, allowing kids to use a computer program or press a button and start an assembly line.

Create a Welcome Display

Recommend to customers that as part of their TYDTWD planning, they ask their company to create a welcome poster or kiosk with pictures of the kids who are coming (supplied by parents in advance), with kids’ names, their parents’ names and the department where each parent works. At some point during early in the day, have the kids pose for a group photo and send it around the company via an employee e-mail and printed sheets posted around the workplace to share all of the company’s employees.

Leave a Strong Final Impression: Tie in the Brand

After you’ve provided TYDTWD tips, promote the idea of being an aspirational brand. Finish content with a strong tie-in to TYDTWD, parenting and gender equality.
This is also an opportunity to inform consumers about other activities the company participates in, such as charitable donations, mentor programs or youth sports league sponsorships.

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