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Weekly Roundup: Notable News and Awesome Articles

Miss your dose of content marketing this week? Keep reading for a roundup of notable news and articles.

NBC Scored Serious Cash at the Olympics

Despite disappointing ratings, the 2016 Olympics resulted in a decent profit for NBC. Ad buyers spilling the pricey details said that a 30-second spot during the Olympics set them back around $1 million on average.

Whether NBC had hit its mark or not, the future is looking expensive for marketers. Those who want to share airtime with gold medal winners during the Olympics will continue to pay a pretty penny. Read on

Chevy is Ready to Evaluate Your Social Glee

Are you a happy Tweeter? Chevy wants to know. Their recent marketing campaign has set out to evaluate the feeds of Twitter and Facebook users, utilizing IBM Watson to identify both their positive and negative posts on the social networking sites.

The result is a generated report with a summary of each user’s social personality. Whether that proves useful to Tweeters and Facebookers, Chevy hopes the campaign will drive awareness and promote brand consistency. Read on

AdBlock Shakes up the Internet with Automated Ad Service

AdBlock Plus announced that it is initiating an Acceptable Ads Platform, which allows the sale of ad space through an automated service. While that will surely set off ad-weary internet users, the company ensures that this new feature has a feedback mechanism for each ad so that consumers can say whether it’s good, or a complete fail. Is this the tool we need for improved advertisements across the net? Read on

Content Marketers can Learn a Thing or Two From Apple

Keep it simple and know your audience’s voice. This article explores some of the best content marketing skills that Apple continues to deliver, and the proof is in the pudding with each new device release.

Apple is a shining example of successful marketing in today’s chaotic content world, blending simplistic design, a clear brand message and innovative new features that generate excitement across the globe. Read on

Google Toys with its SERP Layout Design

Google often plays around with how search results appear in desktop view, and it seems the tech giant was at it again this week. Christopher Ratcliff over at Search Engine Watch noticed a change to the layout of his search result pages, with distinct card-form results and longer snippet widths. While the change eventually reverted back to normal, it’s always exciting to see Google testing the visual waters. Read on.

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