Add a dash of brand voice with a pinch of eye-catching graphics for an effective content marketing campaign.
Much like the best chefs, content marketers need to experiment with their ingredients to find the most delicious recipes. Shorter content is frequently on the menu for strategists as an effective way to deliver attention-grabbing details.
Consumers crave bite-sized pieces of content that are easy to devour while on the move. When content is simple to digest and share, it has undeniable benefits for marketing campaigns.
Short, Sweet and Personal
One big brand discovered that printing names and short messages on a product is a great way to engage consumers. Coca Cola’s Share a Coke campaign coupled the powerhouse brand with a personal experience that, while simple, encouraged social generosity.
In 2015, more than 500,000 Share A Coke photos were posted on social media, spreading the brand’s message and enticing curious consumers. Organic, buyer-driven conversations emerged on social media as engaging promotion that boosted it into successful campaign status.
Bite-Sized Information
Short-form content provides readers with quick and to-the-point information that’s simple to read on any device. More than 60% of consumers own smartphones, which they use for everything from news updates and social media check-ins to online research and purchases. With 6 out of 10 mobile shoppers discovering new products and services on social media, those snappy posts and updates from brands are more important than ever.
Short Intros to Longer Info
There’s no denying the power of long-form content, and when paired with enticing social updates, an opportunity for symbiotic success arises. While long-form written content generates 9x more leads than shorter blog posts, catchy text snippets are a great lead-in to those lengthier articles, improving click-through rates.
In addition, short and snappy email subjects that include hot keywords like “video” can increase CTRs by a whopping 65% for campaigns. Easy-to-share snippets are clear winners that drive traffic to longer content, especially for strategies that span social channels.
A Taste of Visual Simplicity
In today’s cluttered feeds, standing out often means posting and promoting images that highlight a brand’s products in the purest ways. This visual simplicity creates engaging content that’s easy to peruse while highlighting the best features of a product or service. As a solid example, Rolex gives its classic image a modern edge by using minimalistic Instagram posts that speak volumes without heavy text.
The brand includes a brief description with each image to succinctly sum up the core benefits of the watch, complementing the imagery. This sleek style paired with clean content appeals to Rolex’s target audience, while clearly demonstrating why consumers need this watch on their wrists.
Less is More, Even in Innovation
Innovative tech is exciting. It allows established brands to reach new audiences while giving their marketing campaigns refreshed flavor, and it shows an eagerness to adapt to emerging technology. Practicing the “less is more” mantra with new tech trends is essential; otherwise, brands risk getting in over their heads.
The New York Times jumped on board when it launched NYTVR, an immersive virtual reality experience that works with Google Cardboard and a smartphone. This simple app presents a new way to browse news stories and experience them firsthand, while also dipping into historical events. It’s a small but no less impressive step forward into VR that surely sets The New York Times apart.
With the ever-evolving trends and techniques used by marketing strategists, tapping into the “less is more” model can make a brand shine in the competitive content universe.