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Evergreen Content: What It Is and How to Use It

Staying relevant isn’t as hard as you think.

Which would you rather be: a tree that loses all its leaves as soon as the season changes or a towering evergreen that remains robust and full of life no matter the weather?
Just like the majestic pine tree come winter, it’s a goal of your online content to be an evergreen source of information and constant traffic, and not wither away into irrelevancy as soon as readers jump to the next hot topic.
Creating that type of traffic-inducing content can be easier than you think. In fact, you may have evergreen content on your site and not realize it. You might even find important content squirreled away in a Word doc that would have all kinds of online value.
Evergreen content can take many forms, but it all has one thing in common: search engine optimized (SEO) content that remains continually relevant and fresh for readers.
Posting Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) is the best place to start, and the first page many of your online users visit to get answers on your product or service. And yes, you can have more than one. Add a customized FAQ to new product launches or to help explain some other change with the company.
How-to Guides and tutorials are other surefire ways to evergreen your content by offering step-by-step tips. It keeps customers happy by teaching them how to use whatever it is they just purchased (or are thinking of buying), a big plus for repeat business.
Then let those happy customers declare their love and devotion for your company through Testimonials. Anyone who’s surfed Yelp knows the effect of positive reviews, even solicited ones from last year. Sometimes just a tiny nudge can make all the difference.
Offering a list of Industry Resources can bring visitors to your site from a general Google search. It also makes you look friendly and helpful, while lending an air of authority.
Whatever industry or field you work in, it’s sure to have its own terms, lingo and acronyms. A Glossary is another net that can catch random searches, and another potential page click from customers.
If you don’t have any evergreen content available on your site, it’s time to start creating. And don’t bury the content in a rabbit hole of web pages. They shouldn’t require more than two clicks to access.

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