Sure, user generated content sounds great. Unless you end up with product reviews like these.
What happens when the ultimate user generated content – the consumer review – outshines the products on a retailer’s site? For the right product, it can be a marketing bonus, propping up a weak gimmick. This collection of product reviews reminds us that commenters can sometimes be an e-marketer’s best friend.
Underwear for your hands. Yep, they are real. And people can’t get enough. A top review illustrates just how they have changed her life, while another gives a brief warning for keeping the product crisp and clean.
Buyers who discover they can buy literally nothing online are understandably blown away or not at all impressed. Michael shares all the ways he uses nothing:
While Utah Guy lets readers know they are messing with mega forces here:
Banana Slicer
Ah the ever-popular banana slicer. One man set out to determine if the banana slicer truly was worth its hype in this 4-minute review:
Unicorn Meat
How delicious is Unicorn Meat? Apparently very, but it has some strange side effects, according to Irma:
Donald Trump Toilet Paper
This roll makes the perfect gift for anyone who loves to hate Donald Trump. Even Tronald Dump himself can’t get enough!
Emergency Underpants
For those who want to be the best gift-giver ever, Jeff says a box of these emergency underpants are all you’ll ever need.