By now, you likely know all about the benefits of content marketing, and have a pretty good grasp on why your brand should be using it. The trouble is, you might not have any idea where to start or who to turn to for help. It could be that you started with content marketing, but have quickly hit a wall. You might need content marketing help coming up with ideas, creating that content, or putting together a plan and strategy for your content.
Never fear — there are plenty of resources out there that can provide content marketing help. All you need to do is figure out how much help you need, and which options will work best with your brand’s budget and goals. Here’s how to get some content marketing help.
Go Online for Content Marketing Help
From content marketing tools to informative articles and opinion pieces, the web is your oyster when it comes to getting some help with content marketing. If you’re looking for tips and advice on putting together a content marketing strategy, or just want to review the stats and details behind content marketing, these sites have got you covered:
- Content Marketing Institute
- Moz
- Kissmetrics
- Contentmarketing.com (the site you’re reading right now!)
- Hubspot
In addition to websites that give you information on content marketing, there are several sites that offer tools and wizards to help you complete various content marketing tasks. Some of these tools are free to use, while others charge a monthly fee:
- CoSchedule Headline Analyzer (write better headlines, free)
- Portent Idea Content Generator (brainstorm content ideas, free)
- Buzzsumo (analyze content ideas, paid)
- Google Analytics (measure and track content performance, free)
- Buffer (schedule social media posts and manage social accounts, free and paid)
- Hootsuite (another social media management tool, paid)
Hire Freelancers for Content Marketing Help
Maybe you’ve got this content marketing thing down, but you don’t have the in-house team to tackle all of the responsibilities of content marketing. For example, you don’t have someone who can dedicate themselves full-time to creating content, or someone who can focus all of their attention on strategy and content management.
Luckily for you, the world is pretty much crawling with freelance content marketing professionals and experts, and it’s pretty common for marketers to outsource at least some content marketing activity.
According to the Content Marketing Institute, content creation was by far the most commonly outsourced activity (49 percent of B2C marketers outsource content creation, and 47 percent of B2B marketers outsource content creation). Other tasks you can outsource include:
- Promoting and distributing content
- Content strategy creation
- Content marketing measurement and analytics
Work With a Full-Service Content Marketing Company
Although working with freelancers does help reduce some of your burden when it comes to content marketing, someone from your company is still left managing the hiring of those freelancers and all of the nitty-gritty details of getting them paid, making sure they hand in their work in a timely fashion, and so on.
If you just don’t have the time or resources to deal with managing a team of freelancers, another way to get content marketing help is to hand over the reins to a full-service content marketing company.
A content marketing service provider can handle the hiring of content creators. It can also help you create ideas for your content, and put together an editorial calendar for your brand, based on your content creation goals. You’ll still have control over your brand’s content marketing — it’s just that someone else will be responsible for all the tiny details.
Content marketing doesn’t have to be a challenge. In fact, with the range of resources, tools and services available to you, there’s no reason not to seek out content marketing help.