If you run a small or medium-sized business, then you know there are days when it just seems you can’t keep up. Many things need to get done but you and your team don’t have enough hours in the day to do them all. That’s where this magic word can come into play: Outsource. If you don’t have a team dedicated to content marketing, you can find an agency or freelancers to take on the job for your brand. Freelance content marketing services help to connect you with talented, experienced content creators and other content marketing professionals.
If you’ve thought about outsourcing content marketing, you’re not alone. More than 60 percent of B2C brands outsource at least one content marketing activity and more than 50 percent of B2B brands do so as well.
Let’s take a closer look at the reasons for using freelance content marketing services.
Time Crunch
First, if you’re like many businesses, you might find yourself facing a time crunch every day. Limited time is one of the major challenges faced by businesses when it comes to content marketing.
But if you work with a freelance content marketing service, you are paying someone else to handle at least some content marketing for you, freeing up valuable time in your schedule.
Another reason to use content marketing freelancers is that you get a level of experience and expertise you wouldn’t receive if you tried to do it yourself.
Content Marketing Services
While businesses of any size can benefit from using freelance content marketing services, startups and smaller businesses may get the greatest benefit from working with freelancers.
That’s in large part because freelancers tend to cost less than working with a full-fledged content marketing agency, as digital entrepreneur and blogger Jeff Bullas points out. You can also have more flexibility in working with freelancers rather than with an agency that could expect you to sign a contract to work for a fixed amount of time.
Where to Find Freelance Content Marketing Services?
The best place to find freelance content marketing services is online. Freelance marketplaces give content creators and other content marketing specialists a chance to show off their stuff and attract clients.
Some services operate strictly as marketplaces, helping companies connect with freelance writers, video creators, and graphic designers. Others are more hands-on and offer a wider range of services, including guidance with creating strategy and assistance choosing the freelancers who would be a good fit for your brand.
When Should You Use Freelance Content Marketing Services?
There are a few cases when it makes sense to use freelance content marketing services. Say you’re just starting to get your content marketing off of the ground and you need people to help you produce, distribute, and promote the content.
Or, you’ve got a content marketing campaign going but you could use a bit more support. Maybe you’ve ramped up production and your in-house team of writers can’t keep up so you want to hire a freelancer or two to help lighten the load.
How Can You Use Freelance Content Marketing Services?
You can use freelance content marketing services to connect with freelance content creators or to amp up promotion of existing content. Some services will also help you create an editorial calendar and will send content your way based on the schedule you’ve created.
Before you start using a freelance content marketing service, assess your current content marketing and look at gaps that need filling. Knowing exactly what you need and what you hope to get out of your company’s content marketing in the future will help you choose a content marketing service and a team of freelancers who best meet your needs.